Monday, December 29, 2008


For Christmas we bought a Wii. If you have never played one- you better! It is so much fun.
On Christmas day, during quiet time, Hotstuff and I are playing Wii bowling and I am totally kicking his trash. Miss May was having a hard time staying in quiet time and in my mom voice, I tell her to go back to quiet time.
"You'll never win, Mommy!" she screams from her bedroom door. She then proceeds to slam her door behind her. After that, I totally sucked at EVERYTHING!! That will teach me to be the parent.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Cards

My deepest apologies to each and everyone of you who did not get a Christmas card from us this year. Which means all of you! Every year I send out close to 75 cards- Hotstuff had no idea that I sent out that many and almost plotzed when I told him that I sent out that many every year.
So from our family to yours- we hope that you have a wonderful Christmas season and my the new year bring you great happiness.
Love, Honey, Hotstuff, Miss May and Bubba Jones
So.... what's new with you??