Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sculptor Slaps and State Fairs

I married an artist ya'll!

(Read that and weep!! )

And this year, Hotstuff competed in two art competitons. The first is the Helper Arts festival's sculptor slap. (Don't know where Helper is? Google it- it's on your way to Moab) and the other is the Utah State fair.

So Hotstuff took Georgia, our bearded dragon, to the sculptor slap and decided to make her a model. Here is what he did:

The second competition he did was for the Utah State fair and this is the piece he took:

Hotstuff took 4th place (Amature div.) and won $15!!!

I am proud of my Hotstuff and the awesome talent that he has.

I know... your jealous but what can I say?? I have one awesome Hotstuff!