Miss May had her very first field trip today. She and her preschool class went to a local nursery to visit the pumpkin patch. She and her class had a blast.... I was worn out from just watching them run in circles. The local nursery every fall has fall activities, a pumkin patch and a corn maze. The nursery also has a playground and animals: bunnies, birds of various natures and goats. With the rain storm that passed through this weekend it was a little muddy but the kids still had a fun. I also discovered that Miss May is the tallest in her class! As a special treat her teacher got each of the kids a pumpkin to take home.
I really enjoyed President Thomas S. Monson's address in conference on Sunday morning. He spoke about enjoying the precious time that we have with our children. Time does go way to fast.
how tall is she? Edelweiss was always tallest in her preschool class too =o)
I don't know how tall she is but she fits perfect in the length of a size 5. The problem is she is so skinny that none of her pants fit her in her waist.
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