3. Lose weight.
So I got the ball rolling last summer on the whole losing weight thing when I joined weight watchers. Well, that has taken me only so far. I have discovered that I can maintain my weight really well but not at the weight that I want to be. I still have 15 pounds to go. The next step was to join a gym and that is what I did. I join our local rec center and began "to work out" and discovered a few things.
1. I have gotten my butt kicked, I laughed my butt off and I have walked my butt off. So somebody please explain to me: WHY DO I STILL HAVE THIS MASSIVE BUTT???????? For crying out loud, I mean, I am sitting on king sized pillows for a derrière.

2. God is the coolest artist I have ever seen!!!! It is amazing the different body types there are out there. The different ways our bodies take shape is brilliant. There is a uniqueness to all of us. As I made this discovery, it reminded me of a " The Far Side comic". See below:

I figure my big problem is; that while God was creating me, he had some extra clay left over. Waste not, want not; as our parent told us.... so he slaped it on my toosh!
3. Hey, Twiggy! Yeah, you know who I am talkin to!!! Do the rest of us a favor and eat a brownie or a hot fudge sundae! Please, you ain't helpin my self esteem much.
So that is what I have discovered so far.... if I learn anymore, I will make sure to pass it along.
1 comment:
Hey I found you! Cute blog! And I don't think you have a huge derriere. I think you look great.
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