Sunday, December 26, 2010

OOOOOOO, You're my best friend!

Gotta love that song that the amazing Freddie Mercury once belted out:

You're my best Friend!
Ooo, you make me live.
Whenever this world is cruel to me
You help me forgive
Ooo, your making me live
You're first one when things turn out bad
You know I'll never be lonely
You're my only one
and I love
The things that you do
You're my best Friend

I have this very best friend named Bullfrog. There is probably some picture of the two of us from our school days in some memory box of mine stored out in my garage somewhere and that is where it probably should stay. We have known each other for a very long time. To tell you how long we have been friends and without revealing our ages... any child born in the year we met received their drivers license this year. Ya! We have known each other that long.

From the time we met in the 7th grade until we graduated high school, we talked twice on the phone. Kinda weird, huh?? But we saw each other every day at school. What's even weirder, my best friend wore a dress to school every single day! I saw her in pants twice! from the time we met in middle school until we graduated high school. It wasn't until we were in our 20's when I attended her wedding did I really see her wearing "normal" clothes. Bullfrog had... well, her parents were Bapstist and very strange.

We both had many of the same hopes, dreams and aspirations for when we grew up. We both suffered heart break and happiness together. She was there when my parents divorced and she was with me when my mom died. I was there when she had troubles at home, when her birth father came back and I was there when she married the love of her life. We had babies at the same time, six weeks apart. Bullfrog is 25 days older. She and my sister share the same birthday. Her step-daughter, who has the same name as my sister and I share the same birthday.

After high school and for a years after we've communicated mostly by email, facebook and phone. For the last couple of years we have only been able to communicate only by chat on Yahoo! or Facebook. Bullfrogs hubby is in the military and they live overseas. Acording to Google maps, in order to get where she lives one must jet ski across the Pacific ocean to get there. ( That is the honest to goodness truth! Some places in the world you'll need a row boat to cross the ocean.)

For Christmas this year, Hotstuff invested in a new laptop for the family. With this new fabulous toy comes a web cam and microphone. Hotstuff's brudder lives overseas also and communication doesn't come easy. In the last two years the only way we have been able to talk to "Mr. Teacher" and his family has been through Skype on some other family members computer. Skype, which is completly free, has been amazing. We have been able to talk and see our family who live over a world away. The second thing that Hotstuff did with the new laptop was set up a Skype account.

So last night as I was writing an email to my sister, Bullfrog dinged me on chat. The next thing I knew I was on Skype calling her. For the first time in years, I was able to have a face to face (via webcam) conversation with my best friend. I was able to met her girls in web cam person. We talked for over two hours!

I lived in Germany as a small child. I remember that talking with family in the states was very hard, far and very few in between conversations. I remember the envelopes with the blue and red stripes on the sides that were used to send letters oveseas. My mother would fly home every couple of years to see family and phone calls were made about twice a year because of the cost.

I think about all of the service men and women throughout the centuries. How there letters and communications we so rare and precious. The time that it took for the families to recieve them and the chances of the letters and packages ever making it to the soldiers would be a miracle for some. Even those who are bravely serving our country now, technology has changed communication so drastically that many are able to see their families webcam to webcam.

I started out by telling you about my best friend and have ended up talking about techonology. As a result of such wonders I am able to keep in touch with my best friend of forever and see her family and she can see mine. We are able to watch our children grow before our computer eyes.

I imagine a time when friends and family wrote letters by hand and sent packages covered in brown butcher paper. A response to those greetings took days and even months. Now we can recieve a response within seconds. With and without such wonders, my best friend would always be my best friend but now she can be closer than ever. Even on the other side of the world.

Oooooooo, your my best friend!

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