Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!

From our Family to yours:
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Years
We hope that 2012 has been a great year and that 2013 will be even better!

Honey   Hotstuff   Miss May   Bubba Jones

Thursday, November 15, 2012

This Tooth Fairy is fired!

Bubba Jones is one awesome little boy. 

Yes, I am saying that because I am his mother and I did birth him. But he really is an awesome little boy.

A little over a week ago, Bubba Jones came in excited to tell us that he had a new wiggly tooth. Lets jump back to earlier this year when he lost his first tooth. He was at the Fabulous Miss K's house and he wiggled that tooth till it popped out. Instead of telling anyone that he lost the tooth, he tossed it on the floor (which was vacuumed shortly after he tossed it.).

No tooth= No tooth fairy.

His second tooth, he pulled out on his own, at home. Which was promptly lost in the garbage.

No tooth= No tooth fairy.

So last night, Bubba Jones comes to me really excited with another tooth. He waited and wiggled that tooth till it just popped out. With every tooth that he has lost, he has never cried. He was so excited that he had lost his tooth and the Tooth Fairy could finally come.

The kids got ready and crawled into bed. We said our good nights, complete with hugs and kisses and placed the tooth under his pillow. I was on the phone with my sister in law for a couple of hours and totally spaced my Tooth Fairy duties.

This morning, as I was getting ready for work, Bubba Jones was so excited!

"Mom! Mom! Guess what! The Tooth Fairy came last night because my tooth is gone!"

(Insert expletives I muttered here!)

Even with his tooth this time, this Tooth Fairy failed.

Dear Tooth Fairy,
You are FIRED!
Sincerly, Honey

Friday, November 2, 2012

This is Halloween

Happy Halloween

From Honey and Hotstuff

A dead pirate and Hulk

 The Incredible Bubba Jones

Honey and Miss May

Hotstuff and I celebrating The day of the Dead

We honored our Mexican ancestors because we all know that we have sooooo many of them! (haha)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Welcome Back!

For the last couple of years, I have wanted to get Miss May into a charter school. I haven't been impressed with public schools here in Utah and have been working for a better alternative. Bubba Jones just started Kindergarten this year and we were blessed to be able to get him into a charter school but Miss May didn't get in. So Hotstuff and I prepared the kids and ourselves for two seperate schools.

Miss May started school and on the second day of school, we got a phone call that a spot had opened up for Miss May to go to the same charter school as her brother. We moved her to a new school.

We are now almost two months into the school year and both kids are doing great. Bubba Jones being in this school is just what he needed for his brain. His teacher has been in contact with me on a weekly basis working with him and us on his delays.

Miss May on the other hand has struggled. I was upset to find out her reading level was so low but then I realized that she was being tested and scored differently than in public school. I also realized that she had been taught to sight read and that was the reason why she has struggled so much with reading comprehension. The level of learning is so much higher than what she was recieving at the public school that she is struggling. But I am not worried because she is being challenged and in a good way.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Family Night

Once a week, our family gets together on a Sunday night for Family Night. We come together for family business (where we go over the calender and talk about anything we need to) and a spiritual lesson. Everyone participates, taking turns teaching a message.  It is a night that anything can happen!

So for example, from last nights family night:


Miss May: Speaking of Satan.... at school, there are boys in my class.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mothers Advice

This afternoon I picked up the kids from Daycare. I asked how their day went and Miss May told me about her day and how the kids didn't get to go in the Pool because everyone of them were being naughty.

Miss May: I wasn't being loud. I was being quiet but because everyone else was being loud we couldn't go in the Pool. And I was being quiet but Bubba Jones was being loud.

Bubba Jones: Nu-huh! I was being quiet!

(Cue the sibling arugement!)

I told the both of them, that it didn't matter whether or not you were being good or bad. We shouldn't point fingers at who was good and who was bad. Sometimes it's about working together as a group to get what you want.

MOM points: 1000!!!!! DING DING DING!

Then Miss May told me all about how her friend J was being bossy and how she didn't like it.

Me: Miss May, she isn't the boss. You don't have to let her boss you, you know that? So what should you do when it happens?

Miss May: Go tell an adult.

Me: Well that is one thing but don't be a tattletale. Just Walk Away! You don't have to sit there and let her be mean to you. If she follows you then you can find an adult. God gave you legs so that you can walk away.

Shortly after I said this to her, I patted myself on the back for not only teaching my children twice in five short minutes but I had scored some MAJOR MOM Points. Then I realized what I said to my daughter: "God gave you legs so that you can walk away."

I have a feeling like this is something that will come back to haunt me.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

love+marriage= baby

Honey and Hotstuff sitting in a tree!
First comes love
then comes marriage
then comes a baby in the baby carriage!

Family is the most important thing in our life. Hotstuff and I are LDS (mormon) and getting married and having children has always been what the two of us have wanted. LDS families are famous for being large but being LDS and having only two children, kinda makes us Black Sheep. When you consider a "small LDS family" is about 4 kids and a "large LDS family" is 8 kids or more, having only two kids really makes you the odd man out.
(I must remind you that this blog belongs to me, Honey and not the LDS (mormon) Church. Thanks!)
Hotstuff comes from a family of four but has 50 first cousins and the amount of great grandbabies has far surpassed that number. I came from a family of three kids and didn't have any cousins on my fathers side of the family until I was 15. I have first cousins that are younger than my kids. On my mother side of the family, there are only ten grandkids. I have always loved the idea of having a large family and with Hotstuff coming from a large family already it just seemed natural to have a large family of our own.
But for personal/health issues, Hotstuff and I closed up baby shop. We have two of the most amazing people as our children and I still have days where I am still in awe that I was even able to have them. It wasn't an easy decision to come to but we knew it was for the best. We both have moments of baby hunger but then I come home to the choas of the two amazing children we already have and think this is enough choas.

This was supposed to be a humorous post to begin with but when I started typing it, it got kinda serious. Sorry!
Hotstuff and I work everyday on teaching our children good principles. A few months ago, Hotstuff and I were on our way home from work and we picked up Bubba Jones from daycare. I don't remember how the conversations started (I think Hotstuff and I were talking about going on a date that weekend) but it went a little something like this:

Bubba Jones: You guys should go a date because I want you guys to get married so you can have another baby.

Hotstuff: Bubba Jones, we are already married.

Bubba Jones: Yeah, but I want you guys to get married every weekend so that you can stay together and have another baby.

Then a couple of weeks ago, Hotstuff, Bubba Jones and I went to Costco. On our way out to the car, I took a moment to tell Bubba Jones that I think his dad is pretty awesome.

Me: I think your dad is pretty awesome! Don't you?

Bubba Jones: yeah.

Me: I am so glad that I married him.

Bubba Jones: Well, I want you guys to get married again so you guys can have another baby.

Remember how I just wrote that Hotstuff and I are teaching our children good principles? Well, I can't tell if I have suceeded or failed as a parent. Bubba Jones understands that you can't have children unless you are married.  10 Parenting Points!!!! but on the flip side... we aren't having anymore babies so that means that my husband of ten years and I have been living in sin?

So I asked Hotstuff: do you want to get married again?

His reply: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
~Ronald Regan

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome Back!

I know you all feel a lot like this:

Me too!

I know...
I've been gone...
I'm sorry....

Truth: When Hotstuff and I got our new laptop computer in 2010, for some strang and crappy reason, I couldn't post my blog from it. I could create the blog but I couldn't post it. I could only post from the ancient Totally Awesome Computer that we owned. Then one dark and stormy night as we all sat around the campfire... (you heard this one yet)... our Totally Awesome Computer became A Totally Awesome piece of Modern Art! I still couldn't post from the laptop.
Then magically one day, our laptop decided to be a problem child and a neighbor came to fix it and magically I CAN POST FROM MY LAPTOP!!!! YEAH!!!

 Insert awesome happy dance here:

It should look something like this:

                                                                       Or like this:

And if it doesn't look like either of those then you are doing it wrong!

Won't my mommy be so proud of me!

Bubba Jones, every day has chores. It's a simple chore of cleaning up the bathroom. He cleans up the floor, takes care of the garbage and wipes the sink and toilet. As I was doing something (cough* cough* pintrest cough* cough*), Bubba Jones comes out the of the bathroom with something in his hand. A single square of toilet paper.

Bubba Jones: Mom! Mom! Look what was on the bathroom floor!

(He is now holding the square of tissue with hornet pinched between his fingers, butt end out!)

Me: Is that a hornet?

Bubba Jones: Yeah.

Me: Is is dead?

Bubba Jones: No and I am squishing it.


Boys will be boys I guess.